online pharmaceutical store offers wide range of generic Erectile Dysfunction medications that are manufactured by top companies globally. Content used throughout website does not intend to defame, purge, or humiliate manufacturer or whosoever it may concern. Product reviews here are from independent readers.

Largest ED pharmacy online retailer disclaims any responsibility on the usage, dosage or application of medication solution for treating Erectile Dysfunction. Customers/buyers are solely responsibility to consult their physician, before consuming meds offered here. Like other branded medicine, these generic solutions lead to several side effects that are already mentioned and vary from medicine to medicine.


Information Collected by store

Main section of privacy policy that throws bright light on types of information we collect from our customers. Below listed information is must while buyer/customer registers with this store and looks forward to order from store. For registration, information extracts include:

If you place an order, we would be requiring correct shipping address for delivering your order successfully.

We also collect and preserve IP address and browser data for delivering proper online services and maintaining our website up to date. Information collected by us includes, pages visited, the amount of times or how often you visit the pharmacy, time you spend on the website, this information aids to make online shopping experience more pleasant, desirable and hassle free.

We also make use of “Cookies” as it aids to collect passwords and navigate around the store with ease. Such files are basically log files stored on your system’s hard drive. If you do not wish to trespass your cookies, you can disable browser settings, which can restrict some benefits on store.


Why we gather customers/patients information that visits store?

There are several reasons, for which we need to extract information from you, some of them includes:


Acceptance of Disclaimer requests and needs you to read, acknowledge and accept this disclaimer, before ordering. We entertain your every queries regarding Disclaimer/Products or Otherwise regarding store.